Children’s playgrounds in Jelgava

Jelgava Regional Tourism Centre has compiled a list of the biggest children’s playgrounds in Jelgava.

When going for a walk around the city, families with children are also welcome to relax in one of the children’s playgrounds – at Pasta Island, Ozolskvērs and other locations.

A list of children’s playgrounds in Jelgava is available HERE.

  • Katoļu iela 7B,  GPS koordinātas (56.65062502999847, 23.726067025118823)
  • Pasta sala, GPS koordinātas (56.65123763371959, 23.73426376929978)
  • Krasta iela 9, GPS koordinātas (56.6494977167464, 23.743652681208133)


From 1 June 2021, a children’s recreation playground is open in Uzvaras Park.

The activity areas are arranged in zones and according to three different age groups, each named after a Latvian animal: European Otter and European Edible Dormouse for 1-3 year olds, Badger and Northern Lynx for 2-6 year olds, Flying Squirrel for 6-12 year olds. In total, there are seven activity areas in Uzvaras Park, divided into active and educational areas. The active areas have age-appropriate activity equipment: obstacle courses, air trails, tunnels, swings, trampolines, a climbing wall, slides. The educational areas offer the opportunity to get to know a variety of natural materials, such as cones, tree bark, twigs and even cocoa bean shells in the sensory garden and the sensory trail.

The park is open daily from 7:00 to 23:00.