Bee and quince garden “Ievgravas”

In the garden, we tend to bees with love and care and grow quinces, which we use to make healthy treats.

Offer for guests:

1. Educational tours on quince growing and beekeeping, including:

  • A “tree-beekeeper climb” with an ancient device Dzeinis (climbing bench);
  • Solving of riddles to learn about the beehive’s inhabitants and beekeeping equipment;
  • Bee watching with the use of a showcase hive (in appropriate weather conditions);
  • Tasting of different types of honey and quince products.

2. Pancakes with honey, quince jam and tea.


  • for adults: EUR 6 per person;
  • for children aged 7-17: EUR 4 per person;
  • for children under 7 years of age: free of charge.

Working hours:

From May 1 to October 1 at any time by prior arrangement by phone +371 26473880

Additional information:

  • Preferred group size up to 20 people.
Jelgava Coun., Platones iela 16, Vircava, Vircavas pagasts
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Adults 6 EUR; Children līdz 7 gadu vecumam - bezmaksas; 4 EUR; ; ;
Families with children
For persons with movement disorders